reality TV

Prof. Tony Kashani: « Either we will change and build solidarity for a better and just world or become extinct »

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Tony Kashani

Professor Tony Kashani. DR.

Mohsen Abdelmoumen: If Hillary Clinton becomes president, will the United States have elected a president or a war leader? At the death of Gaddafi, Hillary Clinton said “We came, we saw, he died”. Doesn’t this reference to the sentence of Jules César summarize the personality of Hillary Clinton as a war leader of the empire?

Prof. Tony Kashani: What is most disturbing about that line, which she delivered to a CBS reporter on national TV is that she did it with laughter and demeanor of a conqueror. Let’s bear in mind that this happened literally moments after she learned that the deposed Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi had been killed. Of course, we know what a disaster that military intervention was, and the aftermath is even worse, costing American and Libyan lives, leaving Libya a failed state with no hope for stability anytime soon. Lire la suite »