Jour: 7 octobre 2014

No, we do not want to your interview, Mr. Kissinger!

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Henry Kissinger. D.R.

In order to best perform our work by giving the floor to various figures, even those for which we have no sympathy – this is called journalistic ethics-, we had asked you for an interview to obtain your testimony on your long political career that made history, even if it is not in the good sense of the word. After skipping long our solicitations, we received your response soothing where you have congratulated us for our professionalism, but that was nothing more that a way to flee as you have done it your whole life. Although you have thanked us for our investigative work, knowing your political career, we wonder if it is a compliment or an insult to us and to our readers. Your refusal does not surprise us because we know your faculty to avoid embarrassing questions. The Chilean judge Juan Guzman has understood it too, since you have never wanted to answer to his thirty questions about your links with Pinochet that he submitted you. Regarding the quote to appear that addressed you a French judge during one of your trips to Paris, you preferred to flee France rather than respond. It seems that judges and collectives chase you each other across the planet for war crimes. How are you always in freedom while you are searched in several countries? Lire la suite »